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A Performance Cost Evaluation of Aspect Weaving

Garca, M., Ortin, F., Llewellyn-Jones, D. and Merabti, M.

    Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) facilitates the modularisation of different crosscutting concerns in software development. In AOSD, aspect weaving is the composition mechanism that combines aspects and components in an aspect-oriented application. Aspect weaving can be performed statically, at load time or at runtime. These different kinds of weavers may entail a runtime performance and a memory consumption cost, compared to the classical object-oriented approach. Using the Dynamic and Static Aspect Weaving (DSAW) AOSD platform, we have implemented three different scenarios of security issues in distributed systems (access control / data flow, encryption of transmissions, and FTP client-server). These scenarios were developed in both the aspect-oriented and object-oriented paradigms in order to evaluate the cost introduced by static and dynamic aspect weavers. A detailed quantitative evaluation of runtime performance and memory consumption is presented.
Cite as: Garca, M., Ortin, F., Llewellyn-Jones, D. and Merabti, M. (2013). A Performance Cost Evaluation of Aspect Weaving. In Proc. Computer Science 2013 (ACSC 2013) Adelaide, Australia. CRPIT, 135. Thomas, B. Eds., ACS. 79 - 86
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